16 thoughts on “Sign-in address not auto populated in Lync/Skype for Business Client (Lync/SfB Online)

  1. DB

    When I run the script I get this message:-

    At D:\MT_Update_SIP_Address.ps1:4 char:94
    + … bject -Process {
    + ~
    Missing closing ‘}’ in statement block.
    + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingEndCurlyBrace

  2. Eric Scherlinger

    Hello Johan,
    Please note that there is no need for the Lync schema extention.
    You could have simply added the SIP address to the proxyaddresses attribute.
    This would achive the same result without extending the schema.
    Too bad our documentation is not clear enough

    Eric S.

  3. Simon Burbery

    Thank jimminies for you guys… might be worth mentioning the proxyaddresses at the top though! Almost went extending schema when there was no need:)

  4. John Gingrich

    Hi to All,

    The following PowerShell script worked extremely well for me. After running the script, all users in the Searchbase will have the AD Attribute msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress populated. Example = sip:first.last@mydomain.com
    This allowed for seamless login to O365.


    #Import Active Directory Module
    Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory
    #Loop through all users with mydomain.com as UPN domain
    Get-ADUser -Filter {userprincipalname -like “*mydomain.com”} -SearchBase ‘OU=Root,DC=Name,DC=MyName,DC=com’ | ForEach-Object -Process {
    #Construct SIP address based on UPN
    $SIPAddress = “sip:{0}” -f $_.UserPrincipalName
    #Populate the msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress attribute with the constructed SIP Address
    Set-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName `
    -Replace @{“msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress”=$SIPAddress}


    In the above script. replace these two items with your own:
    1. *mydomain.com
    2. ‘OU=Root,DC=Name,DC=MyName,DC=com’ (Test the script on a test OU first, not the root of your OU or domain.)

    Note: “sip” needs to be in lower case.

    PoSH on!

  5. Sean

    Hi Chaps

    why do you set the msRTCSIP attribute? I have not needed it for users to login when using Skype Online. Is it just when you have a local Lync server?

    Anyway to add the SIP address in the proxy Att. I just used ADmodify.net selected the users and then customised the attributes with these settings.

    attribute Name – proxyAddresses
    attribute Value – SIP:%’givenName’%.%’sn’%@cnlsoftware.com
    Tick multivalue append

    Nice easy GUI to use if you not an AD PS prof like me.

  6. John

    Do you know if this will work even if SSO is not implemented?
    We do use DirSync (Azure AD Connect), but what would be the added benefit of ADFS/SSO in this case for logging into Lync/Skype, if the username is already populated as the user’s e-mail/UPN?

    1. Johan Dahlbom Post author


      Thanks for reading!
      In case you are not using ADFS for SSO purposes, this would benefit the end user so that they don’t have to enter ther user name at least 🙂


    2. Sean

      Hi John

      The benefit of ADFS/SSO is that users don’t need to type in their password to any of the Office 365 Apps. This streamlines SharePoint, One Drive, Outlook and so on. Once implemented its a feature that users appreciate and this can be used to service many other products for SSO. ADFS is not a small setup as it has to be setup with HA. If the ADFS box fails users will not be able to login to anything until you have resolved the issue. You should have 2 ADFS servers sitting behind a load balancer internally. For external users you need 2 internet facing WAP servers sitting behind a load balancer too. So 6 servers, 1 SAN from a CA and a public IP.

      Its a juicy project to get your hands dirty with, just make sure its working flawlessly before you federate it with O365. This can be built in Azure too.

      1. jquile

        Oh wow ok, so I’m curious in how that works. Are they already authenticated to SSO before their Skype client is launched, hence the pass through login?
        Or the Lync client has to be configured to point to a specific server for SSO?
        Sounds a bit complicated in terms of setting up the on-premises servers. At least I’m more apprehensive about that. Is the Azure alternative with ADFS any easier?
        My colleague wants to implement Shibboleth, but I’m not sure that would be best for a MS roduct.

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