Monthly Archives: February 2015

Azure AD Sync – Configure attribute based filtering using PowerShell

Most often when synchronizing your directories to AAD, you don’t want all your users to get synchronized. One of the most common methods of filtering out who should get synced and not is by using attributes.
Since AADSync arrived the process of doing this has changed a bit. In this post I will go through how to configure the filtering with PowerShell. Read here about the other methods for filtering objects in AADSync.

In this particular example I will filter out users by the following criteria:

  • UserPrincipalName DOES NOT END with

I have created a PowerShell function to make the creation a bit easier to configure the filtering. If not specifying a domain with the -DomainName parameter, it will create the rule for all your domains connected to AADSync (if you have more than one). To create a filtering configuration as in my example, just run the cmdlet as below.

New-JDAADSyncFilteringRule -Name "In from AD - User NoSync Filter" `
                           -Attribute "userPrincipalName" `
                           -Value "" `
                           -Operator NOTENDSWITH `
                           -Precedence 50

Please note that the filter is not quite as forgiving as most things usually are nowdays when it comes to case-sensitivity.


function New-JDAADSyncFilteringRule {
        The function will create AADSync filtering rules based on attributes and conditions
        New-JDAADSyncFilteringRule "Inbound from AD" -Attribute "userPrincipalName" -Value "" -Operator ENDSWITH -Precedence 50
        File Name: New-JDAADSyncFilteringRule
        Author   : Johan Dahlbom, johan[at]
        Blog     :
        The script are provided β€œAS IS” with no guarantees, no warranties, and they confer no rights.
        Requires PowerShell Version 3.0!
        [ValidateScript({Get-ADSyncConnector -Name $_})]

    #Import ADSync Module
    Import-Module ADSync
    #Check if connector/domain name has been provided
    if ($DomainName) {
        $ADConnectors = Get-ADSyncConnector -Name $DomainName
    } else {
        $ADConnectors = Get-ADSyncConnector | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "AD"}

    foreach ($ADConnector in $ADConnectors) {
        try {
            #Create the Scope Filter Object
            $Scopefilter = New-Object Microsoft.IdentityManagement.PowerShell.ObjectModel.ScopeCondition
            $Scopefilter.Attribute = $Attribute
            $Scopefilter.ComparisonValue = $Value
            $Scopefilter.ComparisonOperator =  $Operator
            #Create the Attribute Flow
            $AttrFlowMappings = New-Object Microsoft.IdentityManagement.PowerShell.ObjectModel.AttributeFlowMapping
            $AttrFlowMappings.Source = "True"
            $AttrFlowMappings.Destination = "cloudFiltered"
            $AttrFlowMappings.FlowType = "constant"
            $AttrFlowMappings.ExecuteOnce = $False
            $AttrFlowMappings.ValueMergeType = "Update"
            #Add the Scope Filter to a Scope Group
            $ScopeFilterGroup = New-Object Microsoft.IdentityManagement.PowerShell.ObjectModel.ScopeConditionGroup

            $SyncRuleHt = @{
                Connector = $ADConnector.Identifier.Guid
                Name =  $Name
                SourceObjectType = "user"
                TargetObjectType = "person"
                Direction = "inbound"
                AttributeFlowMappings = $AttrFlowMappings
                LinkType = "Join"
                Precedence = $Precedence
                ScopeFilter = $ScopeFilterGroup
            Add-ADSyncRule @SyncRuleHt | Out-Null
            Write-Output "Added the Syncrule $Name ($Precedence) for the attribute $Attribute with the condition $Operator $Value"
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "$_"

Using the SyncRulesEditor.exe (or the cmdlet Get-ADSyncRule) in the folder where you have installed AADSync (most commonly C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\UIShell\) and verify that your settings successfully has been saved/configured.2015-02-09_00-21-54

As always, if you have suggestions for improvements of changes in the scripts or posts, let us know! πŸ™‚


Quick Tip: Azure AD Premium features not showing up in the portal

Thought I should share a “problem” that quite a few people have asked me about regarding Azure AD Premium.

You sign up up for a trial, or assign a SKU (for example EMS) where Active Directory Premium is included to your tenant. For some reason, no AADP features are showing up in the configure pane when you access your Azure AD as Admin.


As of now, in order to be able to manage Azure AD Premium, you need to have licenses assigned for each Admin.
After assigning Azure AD Premium Licenses to the Admin account, you will now see all the AADP-features, including Sign in brandingΒ and password resetΒ under the configure pane, just as below.

Hope this helps you if running in to this rather simple issue! πŸ™‚


Office 365: Deploying your SSO Identity Infrastructure in Microsoft Azure (Using Azure AD Connect) – Part 3

This is the last part of 3 in the series where we go through how to create a highly available SSO infrastructure for Office 365 in Microsoft Azure. In this part we will finish off the configuration and put all the pieces together. To make it a bit more interesting, I’ve also decided to try out the Preview of Azure AD Connect to configure the AADSync, ADFS and WAP servers.
Part 1 of the series can be found here.
Part 2 of the series can be found here.

If you haven’t already promoted your DC in Azure, the following example snippet will promote the domain controller to your existing domain using the the account you’re logged on with. Note that the Database/Log/Sysvol paths has been changed to the additional disk that was added to the DC. We do this since we need to use a separate volume that is not using host caching for the AD databases in Azure.The server will also automatically reboot after the promotion has been done.

Import-Module ADDSDeployment
$DCPromotionSettings = @{
    NoGlobalCatalog = $false
    CreateDnsDelegation = $false
    CriticalReplicationOnly = $false
    DatabasePath = "F:\Windows\NTDS"
    LogPath = "F:\Windows\NTDS"
    SysvolPath = "F:\Windows\SYSVOL"
    DomainName = "365lab.internal"
    InstallDns = $true
    NoRebootOnCompletion = $false
    SiteName = "Azure-IAAS-Dublin"
    Force = $true
    SafeModeAdministratorPassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'YourStrongDSRMPassword!' -AsPlainText -Force)
Install-ADDSDomainController @DCPromotionSettings

Instead of usingΒ pureΒ PowerShell to configure the servers,Β I’ve chosen to use the new Azure ADΒ Connect Preview,Β aΒ one stop shopping-wizard for setup and configuring AADSync,Β ADFS, WAPΒ againstΒ Azure AD. Sounds very promising right?

1. Download and install(AzureADConnect.msi) the tool from here. In my case I am running the wizard on the AZURE-AADSYNC1 server.
2. Go through the Prerequisite and Azure tenant wizard as below. Your Azure AD Credentials should of course be a service Account with Global administrator permissions.
3. Since we want to deploy ADFS and WAP during the installation, we click customize to be able to do that.
4. Single sign on it is! In this example we’ll use the federation service name of
5. Set up connections to your AD forest(s). Note that the credentials used here should be a proper configured service account. Check out this script for a good way to configure delegation on the service account.
6. In my case I’ll have both an Exchange Hybrid deployment and Password Write back through AADP enabled.
7. Since I have only have one forest/domain, I’m just using the default settings for the next two steps.
8. Import the .pfx file for your service. In my case I have a certificate with the CN that will be imported to all ADFS and WAP machines. If you want to set up this in a lab environment, you can use (gives you 1 year free single name certificates trusted by most browsers).
9. Now point out your ADFS and WAP servers, in my case I have two of each (as deployed in the last post). Note that you will not be able to add the servers to the wizard unless they have PS Remoting enabled. This can be enabled by running the PowerShell command ‘Enable-PSRemoting -Force’ on each machine (or put it in the deployment script :))
The server with only lower case letters will be the primary ADFS server in the farm.
It gives me a warning regarding the WAP servers since I’ve pre-deployed the WAP role.
10. Now specificy an account with Local Admin credentials on the primary ADFS server, in order to create a trust between the WAP servers and the federation servers.
11. Choose which service Account that should be used for the ADFS farm. I do recommend using Group Managed Service accounts if possible (requires minimum 2012 DC’s). In the GMSA case, the wizard will actually create a KDS Root key in your domain if you haven’t one since before. Note that this is also done with WinRM through the Domain Controller, so make sure you have that enabled there as well.
12. Choose the domain you want to use for the Federated setup. As it seems right now with this preview, you can only create federation for one domain.
13. Review your configuration. If don’t want to start off by synchronize your entire directory, uncheck “Start the synchronization..” and look in to the following site on how to filter your synchronization scope. Fire off the installation by clicking Install.
14. Installation complete! PUH! If you run in to any errors during the installation, or cancel the installation, you’ll be able to continue from where you left.
As seen above, you’ll also have the option of verifying your ADFS service DNS records.
In my case, I’ve configured the service name to point to the Azure Internal Load balancer IP ( internally, and to the WAP Cloud service name externally (, as seen below:
If you don’t want to rely on your VPN Connection for the internal STS, you could publish the internal ADFS farm through the external cloud service name, and create access rules to only allow your external public IP’s.
And my DNS records turned out to be OK according to the wizard! πŸ™‚

In a very simple to understand wizard we’ve done a normally quite complex task as easy as it can possibly be. The end result in this case is an highly available SSO Identity infrastructure with a little help of Azure IAAS. One thing to be aware of though (might be changed later since this is a preview):

  • Since the AAD Connect Wizard (Preview) only supports one domain, it will convert the the domain to federated without the -SupportMultipleDomain. This means you’ll have to convert the first domain to standard and then back again using the -SupportMultipleDomain switch if federating with more than vanity domain. Hopefully this is something that will change when it goes RTM.
    We have now finished configuring with our highly available SSO Identity infrastructure for our Office 365/Azure Active Directory. Not to hard with the help of PowerShell and the new Azure AD Connect Wizard. I will follow this series up with some additional topics with more detailed information regarding how to create firewall rules between our subnets in Azure, and more.

    If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know!
